Nota Clínica

CLIPPERS syndrome with atypical distribution of lesions in magnetic resonance imaging of the brain

B. Canneti, A.J. Mosqueira, F. Gilo, T. Carreras, A. Barbosa, V. Meca-Lallana, J. Vivancos DOI: OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 57 | Number 08 | Nº of views of the article 34.842 | Nº of PDF downloads 1.165 | Article publication date 16/10/2013
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
INTRODUCTION CLIPPERS syndrome (chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular enhancement responsive to steroids) is an inflammatory process of the central nervous system whose distinguishing features are the enhancing punctiform lesions in the brainstem that appear in the magnetic resonance images. Clinically, it is accompanied by dysarthria, ataxia and diplopia, and usually responds to treatment with corticoids. Pathologically, T lymphocytes appear infiltrated in the perivascular spaces of the brainstem.

CASE REPORT We report the case of a 40-year-old woman with an initial subacute clinical picture of binocular diplopia, ataxia and dysarthria. The magnetic resonance brain scan revealed T2 hyperintense punctiform lesions in the stem, cerebellum, diencephalons and cortico-subcortical areas of both hemispheres, which were enhanced with contrast. An aetiological study was performed to rule out any underlying infectious, neoplastic or inflammatory origin, the results being negative. The patient was treated on two occasions with methylprednisolone, with a gradual lowering of the dosage, the response being favourable.

CONCLUSIONS Diplopia and ataxia, as in our case, are practically always present. The MR findings consist of punctiform enhancing lesions located in the pons extending towards the cerebellum, basal ganglia and corpus callosum, the enhancement gradient becoming lower as the distance increases rostrally away from the cortex, and caudally towards the spinal cord. In the case of our patient, this gradient is not respected, and the density found was similar to that of lesions at the supratentorial level. The differential diagnosis is wide-ranging and justifies an extensive diagnostic study with, in certain cases, a biopsy study of brain tissue. The disease courses in a relapsing-remitting pattern and the earlier steroid therapy is established and the more prolonged it is, the better the prognosis will be.
KeywordsCLIPPERSImmunosuppressantsMagnetic resonance imagingNeuroimmunologyPerivascular inflammationSteroid therapy CategoriesPatología vascular
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