
Disorders of executive functions. Diagnosis and treatment

I.D. Delgado-Mejía, M.C. Etchepareborda [REV NEUROL 2013;57 (Supl. 1):S95-S103] PMID: 23897161 DOI: https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.57S01.2013236 OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 57 | Number S01 | Nº of views of the article 15.144 | Nº of PDF downloads 4.370 | Article publication date 06/09/2013
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
INTRODUCTION Different contributions to the scientific literature made over the last few decades have confirmed the prefrontal cortex as the neurobiological basis of the executive functions. Today, both the evaluation protocols for carrying out diagnoses and the structuring of the treatment and neurocognitive stimulation plans must interpret each of the prefrontal syndromes (dorsolateral, medial or of the anterior cingulate, and orbitofrontal) involved in the aetiopathogenesis of the different neurodevelopmental and adult disorders in which the executive functions are affected. AIMS. To report on the latest advances in diagnosis and treatment of the executive functions and to stress the importance of identifying and understanding the three syndromes of prefrontal dysfunction in the phase of diagnosis and in neurocognitive rehabilitation. DEVELOPMENT. The authors carry out a review of the literature on the latest advances in neuroscience as regards the neurobiological and neuropsychological foundations of the executive functions and their diagnosis and treatment.

CONCLUSIONS Every day, the scientific community confirms the importance of identifying and understanding the brain circuits in the diagnostic stage, especially the prefrontal dysfunction syndromes involved in the neuropsychological deficits of the different neurodevelopmental and adult disorders, so as to be able to establish effective neurocognitive stimulation protocols.
KeywordsDiagnosisExecutive functionsPrefrontal cortexTreatment
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