
Cardiovascular risk factors in chronic treatment with antipsychotic agents used in primary care

X. Mundet-Tudurí, M. Iglesias-Rodal, C. Olmos-Domínguez, M.L. Bernard-Antoranz, M.I. Fernández-San Martín, E. Amado-Guirado [REV NEUROL 2013;57:495-503] PMID: 24265143 DOI: https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.5711.2013415 OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 57 | Number 11 | Nº of views of the article 6.108 | Nº of PDF downloads 689 | Article publication date 01/12/2013
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
AIM To compare the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) and vascular events, between patients treated and untreated with antipsychotic drugs.

SUBJECTS AND METHODS A cross-sectional study was done in Barcelona. We compared patients attended in Primary Health Care Centres, treated with or without antipsychotics between 2008 and 2010. Anthropometric measurements, clinical variables, and CVRF were assessed. Adult and elderly patients, typical and atypical antipsychotics, were studied separately.

RESULTS 14,087 patients had been prescribed antipsychotics (63.4% atypical), the most common being risperidone. We selected 13,724 patients with the same age and gender but not treated (total of 27,811 patients). Patients receiving antipsychotic had higher prevalence of obesity (16.9% vs. 11.9%), smoking (22.2% vs. 11.1%), diabetes mellitus (16% vs. 11.9%), and dyslipidemia (32.8% vs. 25.8%) (p < 0.001). The prevalence of stroke was significantly higher in the treated patients, both in adults (odds ratio = 2.33) and the elderly (odds ratio = 1.64). The prevalence of coronary heart disease was similar in both groups (odds ratio = 0.97). Among patients treated with antipsychotic, differences were not observed depending typical or atypical ones.

CONCLUSIONS Patients treated with antipsychotic drugs had a greater prevalence of several CVRF (diabetes mellitus, obesity, and smoking). The presence of stroke was higher in those treated with antipsychotics. No relevant differences were observed between patients receiving typical or atypical antipsychotics.
KeywordsAfter treatmentAntipsychotic agentsAntipsychotic effectCardiovascular diseaseCerebrovascular disorderPrimary care CategoriesPatología vascular
FULL TEXT Artículo en español English version

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