INTRODUCTION It is a well-known fact that epileptic seizures disrupt sleep, yet little information is available about sleep disorders according to the type of epileptic seizures.
MATERIALS AND METHODS The sleep architecture of rats was evaluated in polysomnography recordings 36 hours after inducing partial and generalised epileptic seizures in them. The epileptic seizures were induced by applying 50-100 IU of sodium G penicillin in the amygdala of the temporal lobe.
RESULTS Partial and generalised seizures triggered an increase in the latency of slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The number of episodes of the phases of wakefulness, SWS and REM sleep was reduced and the mean duration of the episodes of wakefulness and SWS increased, while that of REM sleep diminished. The total percentage of REM sleep diminished significantly. During the first period of light the partial and generalised seizures triggered an increase in wakefulness and a reduction in the phases of SWS and REM sleep. In the period of darkness, the SWS increased and wakefulness decreased, while there were no changes in REM sleep. In the second period of light, the percentages of the phases of wakefulness and SWS returned to control values and the percentage of REM sleep continued to be reduced.
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