
Illness due the Ebola virus: epidemiology and clinical manifestations within the context of an international public health emergency

F.J. Carod-Artal [REV NEUROL 2015;60:267-277] PMID: 25760722 DOI: OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 60 | Number 06 | Nº of views of the article 7.742 | Nº of PDF downloads 707 | Article publication date 16/03/2015
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
INTRODUCTION The epidemic caused by the Ebola virus in western Africa affects Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Mali and Senegal, and is the most serious to occur since the existence of this filovirus, which causes haemorrhagic fever, was first reported. This article reviews the epidemiological characteristics and clinical manifestations associated with the disease due to the Ebola virus. DEVELOPMENT. Until February 23, 2015 there have been 23,729 cases of Ebola, with a mortality rate of 40.1%. In the current epidemic, there are three ways the virus can be transmitted to human beings: contact with fluids and secretions from subjects already diagnosed with the disease, contact with dead bodies during burial ceremonies, and infection of relatives and healthcare personnel from as-yet undiagnosed patients. Ebola is the cause of a serious disease in humans. Following a period of incubation that can vary in length (2-21 days), a syndrome involving fever, headache, aching muscles, sore joints, vomiting and diarrhoea begins. The advanced phase is accompanied by haemorrhages, multiple organ failure, hypotension and shock. The incidence of neurological manifestations is unknown, but brain haemorrhages and post-infectious syndromes have been reported in other viral haemorrhagic fevers. Support care is vital. No proven effective treatment exists, although several patients have been treated with a cocktail of monoclonal antibodies (ZMapp).

CONCLUSIONS Early identification and diagnosis of suspected cases, isolation of sick patients and protective measures among healthcare staff are fundamental in the control of this epidemic.
KeywordsEbola virus diseaseEbolavirusEpidemiologyViral hemorrhagic fevers CategoriesCalidad, Gestión y Organización Asistencial
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