
Project ES3: attempting to quantify and measure the level of stress

J. Aguiló, P. Ferrer-Salvans, A. García-Rozo, A. Armario, A. Corbí, F.J. Cambra, R. Bailón, A. González-Marcos, G. Caja, S. Aguiló, R. López-Antón, A. Arza, J.M. Garzón-Rey [REV NEUROL 2015;61:405-415] PMID: 26503316 DOI: https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.6109.2015136 OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 61 | Number 09 | Nº of views of the article 10.737 | Nº of PDF downloads 829 | Article publication date 01/11/2015
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
INTRODUCTION The WHO has qualified stress as a ‘world epidemic’ due to its increasingly greater incidence on health. The work described in this paper represents an attempt to objectively quantify the level of stress.

AIM The aim of the method developed here is to measure how close or how far a subject is from a situation that can be considered ‘normal’ in medical and social terms.

SUBJECTS AND METHODS The literature on the pathophysiology of stress and its methods of study in experiments on both animals and humans was reviewed. Nine prospective observational studies were undertaken with different types of subjects and stressors covering the different types of stress.

RESULTS The results of the literature review made it possible to identify the different types of stress, the indicators that yield significant results, the psychometric tests and the well-documented ‘stressors’. This material was then used to design the general method and the details of the nine clinical trials. The preliminary results obtained in some of the studies were used to validate the indicators as well as the efficacy of the techniques used experimentally to diminish stress or to produce it.

CONCLUSIONS The early results obtained in the experimental trials show that we are on the right path towards defining and validating multivariable markers for quantifying levels of stress and also suggest that the method can be applied in a similar way to the study of mental disorders.
KeywordsChronic stressElectrophysiological, biochemical and psychometric parametersEmotional stressMultivariable biomarkersQuantification of the level of stressTraumatic stress CategoriesNeuropsiquiatríaTraumatismos
FULL TEXT Artículo en español English version

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