INTRODUCTION To be able to provide patients with a chronic illness personalised care, it is necessary to know how they live with their disorder. Today, there is no validated scale that assesses this aspect.
AIM To present the pilot study of the preliminary version of the living with a chronic process scale (EC-PC, from the name in Spanish) carried out in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) in Spain.
PATIENTS AND METHODS A preliminary version of the scale was produced from a literature review and the participation of experts in chronic processes and in PD. Fifteen patients, in all the different stages of PD, answered the preliminary version of the EC-PC (39 items) and a questionnaire about the EC-PC. The viability/acceptability and preliminary aspects of internal consistency were analysed.
RESULTS No domain showed any floor or ceiling effects, but 43.6% of the items had a ceiling effect. The corrected item-total correlation was satisfactory, except in five items. The internal consistency of the five domains was satisfactory, with alpha indexes of 0.81-0.92 and item homogeneity coefficients of 0.19-0.43. The patients identified three items as ambiguous and difficult to answer. Based on these results, 12 items were eliminated and the final version of the EC-PC was drafted, its content being considered satisfactory following its evaluation by expert professionals.
FULL TEXT(solo disponible en lengua castellana / Only available in Spanish)
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