INTRODUCTION The development of atypical features in rolandic epilepsy is part of a clinical spectrum of phenotypes that are variable, idiopathic and age-dependent, as well as having a genetically determined predisposition.
AIM To study the electroclinical characteristics suggesting an atypical development in rolandic epilepsy.
PATIENTS AND METHODS A retrospective search was performed in 133 children diagnosed with atypical benign focal epilepsy (ABFE), Landau-Kleffner syndrome and continuous spike-wave during sleep (CSWS). Nine patients were selected, all of whom presented atypical clinical features and an electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern of electrical status epilepticus during sleep (ESES) in the course of their rolandic epilepsy.
RESULTS The average age at onset of rolandic epilepsy was 5 years. Patients showed a deterioration of both their clinical features and their EEG recording one and a half years later, on average. ABFE was observed in three of them and CSWS in six. No cases of Landau-Kleffner syndrome were found. The EEG in wakefulness showed the focus to be in the left centrotemporal region in six patients and in three of them it was on the right-hand side. All the patients presented ESES in the EEG during sleep. An atypical pattern was observed in the regional ESES in three of the patients. Moreover, cognitive and behavioural disorders were detected due to deficits in specific learning areas, such as language, memory, attention and restlessness.
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