INTRODUCTION The cognitive, emotional and behavioural alterations secondary to acquired brain injury and degenerative dementias can be quantitatively and quantitatively appraised by administering self-reports that ask both patients and reliable informants about the difficulties patients have in their everyday life.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS The Prefrontal Symptoms Inventory (PSI) and the Modified Memory Failures in Everyday Life Questionnaire (MFE-30) were administered to 174 paired participants: 87 patients with brain damage or degenerative dementias and their 87 reliable informants. In addition to the psychometric goodness of the tests, the study also explored the clinical usefulness of applying these questionnaires to patients and their informants in order to obtain a rate of discrepancy in the scores as a measure of anosognosia.
RESULTS The results show how applying the PSI-20 (20 items) or the PSI (46 items), whether administered together with the MFE-30 (30 items) or not, is a very useful procedure for assessing the symptoms in individuals with acquired brain injury or degenerative dementias, since it yields a great deal of information about patients’ difficulties in their daily life.
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