
The Salthouse Perceptual Comparison Test: normalization and standardization for Spanish population

J. Peña, R. del Pino, N. Ibarretxe-Bilbao, D.J. Schretlen, N. Ojeda [REV NEUROL 2016;62:13-22] PMID: 26677777 DOI: https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.6201.2015307 OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 62 | Number 01 | Nº of views of the article 9.764 | Nº of PDF downloads 736 | Article publication date 01/01/2016
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
INTRODUCTION The Salthouse Perceptual Comparison Test (SPCT) assesses the processing and perceptual speed. Although this test is widely used in neuropsychology, it has not normative data adapted to Spanish population.

AIM To normalize and standardize the SPCT in Spanish population taking into account the sociodemographic characteristics of our society.

SUBJECTS AND METHODS This study is part of the multisite Normacog project. Seven hundred participants from 18 to 90 years old were assessed using the SPCT. The effect of sociodemographic characteristics such as age, level of education and sex, were analyzed on the SPCT performance, and percentiles and scalar scores adjusted by age and level of education were created.

RESULTS The effect of age and level of education on the SPCT variables analyzed (correct answers and errors of the SPCT-3 and SPCT-6) was statistically significant. Age explained the higher percentage of the variance in SPCT (SPCT-3: 47%; SPCT-6: 45%). The older participants with lower level of formal education obtained worse performance in the number of correct answers and higher number of errors. CONCLUSION. The present study reports the first normative data of the SPCT for Spanish population taking into account the sociodemographic characteristics of Spain which confirm the influence of age and level of education on the performance of the SPCT. As part of the Normacog project, this study presents the administration and correction instructions.
KeywordsNeuropsychological testNormative dataProcessing speedSalthouse Perceptual Comparison TestSpanish population
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