AIM To analyze the risk of ventriculitis associated to the care of the external ventricular drain.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS Case-control study among a sample of neurocritical patients of the University Hospital of Asturias (Spain) who carried a ventricular catheter (n = 127; 49 cases and 78 controls). Main outcome was the diagnosis of ventriculitus, according to established criteria. Independent variables were related to the catheter management, including nursing cares of the insertion point, administration of intrathecal medication, flushes, changes and mobilization of the catheter. Other variables (age, sex, APACHE score, admission diagnosis, comorbidity, antibiotics, time to insertion and permanence time of the drain) were studied as covariates.
RESULTS Nursing catheter cares (OR 3.8; 95% CI: 1.1-13.9) and administration of intrathecal medication (OR: 7.1; 95% CI: 2.1-23.6) were significantly associated with ventriculitis. After adjustment by the number of days at risk, the effect of nursing cares disappeared (OR 1.4; 95% CI: 0.3-6.6).
CONCLUSIONS Intrathecal medication and nursing cares seem to be associated with ventriculitis. The administration of medication by the ventricular drain really reflects that the physicians suspect ventriculitis before the diagnosis is confirmed and, therefore, they prescribe this medication. However, as the duration of drain increases the frequency of nursing cares, it seems prudent to recommend not lengthen the permanence of the ventricular drain and to improve the training of nurses.
KeywordsAdverse effectsCerebral ventriculitisCross infectionIntensive care unitsNursing careVentriculostomy
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