INTRODUCTION Gastroschisis is a malformation of the abdominal wall that is corrected by surgery and requires special hospital care, such as immobilisation, dietary restriction and separation from the mother for a variable period of time, among others. To analyse the possible cognitive repercussions, the Bayley III test was administered to 14 children.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS The study was conducted with seven cases (born with gastroschisis) and seven controls, in civil hospitals in Guadalajara, over the period January-April 2013.
RESULTS No evidence of retardation was found in the cases in the cognition, language and motor conduct assessments, whereas in those associated with socio-emotional and adaptive behaviour the scores favoured the control group. This shows that the latter have better adaptation and interaction strategies with respect to the cases group.
CONCLUSIONS Gastroschisis will not affect later neurodevelopment, at least in this group which presented only this abnormality and deficits that can be explained by their perinatal circumstances. Nevertheless, this prognosis cannot be generalised to other cases with a more severe clinical picture, a longer stay in hospital and associated comorbidity. In any case, it is important to inform the parents as of the prenatal stage about the expected consequences of this pathology.
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