INTRODUCTION The scientific evidences associated to the effectiveness of different techniques of cognitive rehabilitation are still contradictory.
AIM To compare a program of combined training (physical and cognitive) in front of a program of physical training and to observe their effectiveness about the optimization of the cognitive functions in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS).
PATIENTS AND METHODS It was carried out an experimental study in 32 patients with MS. The patients were distributed in two groups: 16 to the experimental group (combined cognitive training with aerobic exercises) and 16 patients to the control group (aerobic exercises). The intervention was planned for six weeks combining cognitive tasks by means of a game of dynamic board of cubes and signs (TaDiCS ®) and a program of aerobic exercises. The Brief Repeatable Battery of Neuropsychological Test and the Stroop Test were applied to evaluate the cognitive yield. Also, the Beck Depression Inventory was administered.
RESULTS There were found significant differences in the intergrupal analysis after the intervention in the variable learning and visuoespacial long term memory (p = 0.000), attention (p = 0.026) and inhibitory control (p = 0.007). Also, in the intragroup analysis there were found significant differences in these variables and information processing speed in the group that received the combined training. These patients also showed a significant improvement in the emotional state (p = 0.043). CONCLUSION. The cognitive training combined with the aerobic exercises is effective to improve the cognitive performance. KeywordsAerobic exercisesAttentionCognitive functionCognitive trainingInformation processing speedLearning and memoryMultiple sclerosisCategoriesEsclerosis múltipleNeuropsicología
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