INTRODUCTION The use of self-reports about symptoms of malfunctioning in daily life derived from functional deficits of a prefrontal origin has become widespread in clinical practice, since they allow incremental ecological validity to be added to other specific tests. Yet it remains to be determined whether self-assessment is sufficient on its own or if the participation of an external evaluator would be preferable.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS The Prefrontal Symptoms Inventory (PSI) was administered to 115 subjects being treated for a range of brain pathologies. The same test, referring to the patient, was administered to one of the professionals closely following the development of the case and, whenever possible (n = 88), a relative or caregiver. The psychometric goodness of the PSI was explored in the three samples, and the degree of correlation and agreement among the three assessments was estimated.
RESULTS The three assessments showed significant correlation, although the patients reported fewer symptoms than their relatives and caregivers in terms of executive functioning. The assessments of relatives and patients were superposed and showed a high degree of agreement as regards both profile and magnitude.
CONCLUSIONS In addition to the mandatory neuropsychological assessment, we recommend the administration of questionnaires or inventories about symptoms such as the PSI, with proven psychometric robustness, that make it possible to explore the impact of brain dysfunctions in daily functioning. Since many of these dysfunctions are accompanied by different degrees of anosognosia, they should be administered to external observers, relatives or professionals, with the intention of obtaining a more adequate assessment of the magnitude of the functional difficulties.
KeywordsActivities of daily livingAnosognosiaBrain damageCognitive impairmentEcological validityHetero-assessmentPrefrontal symptomsScreeningSelf-assessmentCategoriesNeuropsicología
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