AIM To know the current state of the approach of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in neuropediatricians.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS A telematic survey was carried out to collect preliminary information on the interest, difficulties in the management and treatment of ADHD to the 437 fellowship of the Neuropediactric Spanish Society (SENEP).
RESULTS Only 32.49% of the sent questionnaires were answered, with important geographic variability. 97.89% stated that 50% of their consultations were children with learning disabilities and ADHD. Regarding who started treatment for ADHD in their area, the majority answered that the neuropediatrician (57.97%), followed by the child psychiatrist (34.78%) and the primary care pediatrician (5.31%). The lack of a psycho-pedagogical study by the school (49.79%), followed by the lack of time in the consultation (29.11%), was cited as the greatest difficulty in the initial assessment of children with suspected ADHD. Concerning the difficulties in the follow-up, the biggest complaint was the lack of coordination between professionals, the school and parents. And, lastly, regarding the type of treatment use, most patients were on prolonged-release methylphenidate, a stable percentage using immediate release methylphenidate as a single or combined treatment, and in a lower range was the use of clonidine and atomoxetine, and an incipient use of lisdexamphetamine were observed. 80% of the patient showed adherence to pharmacological treatment after one year.
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