For the ninth year in a row the Post-ECTRIMS Meeting has been held in Madrid (Spain) with the aim of presenting and discussing the hottest issues debated at the ECTRIMS Congress by renowned specialists in multiple sclerosis in our country. One outcome of this scientific activity, endorsed by the Spanish Neurology Society, is this review article, which is published in two parts. This first part addresses family planning, pregnancy management and the role of breastfeeding in women with multiple sclerosis. Attention is drawn to the paediatric population, to magnetic resonance imaging features and to the genetic-environmental risk factors for developing the disease in children, without neglecting the risk factors for development in adults. The review updates the epidemiology of cognitive deterioration in patients with multiple sclerosis, the advantages and disadvantages of available assessment tools, and current management approaches, while also insisting on the importance of cognitive involvement during the course of the disease. Furthermore, the concept of individualised, precision medicine is introduced, from the diagnosis of the disease until its treatment, with the controversies that inevitably arise in patient management, above all with regard to the change of treatment and the handling of associated risks.KeywordsECTRIMSMultiple sclerosisPost-ECTRIMSCategoriesEsclerosis múltiple
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