Medullar thoracic compression by tophaceous gout: presentation of a case and review of the literature
*Correspondencia: Dra. Alejandra Arévalo Sáez. Servicio de Neurocirugía. Hospital Universitario La Princesa. IIS-Princesa. Diego de León, 62. E-28006 Madrid.
Introduction: Spine involvement in gout is an extremely uncommon complication. Dorsalgia and quadriplegia are some manifestations that may occur, although these symptoms are seen more frequently in other more prevalent pathologies, such as spinal tumors.
Case report: We present an unusual case of thoracic spinal cord compression at T10-T11 level caused by the extradural deposit of tophaceous material in a 52-year-old woman with uncontrolled chronic tophaceous gout. In addition to intensive medical treatment, the patient required surgery (hemilaminectomy and spinal decompression) and subsequent rehabilitation. Overall and neurological evolution were satisfactory.
Caso clínico Se presenta un caso inusual de compresión medular dorsal en D10-D11 causado por el depósito extradural de material tofáceo en una paciente de 52 años con gota tofácea crónica incontrolada. Además de un tratamiento médico intensivo, la paciente requirió cirugía (hemilaminectomía y descompresión medular) y rehabilitación posterior. La evolución general y neurológica fue satisfactoria.