Review of cases of zoophilia in patients with Parkinson’s disease
Introduction. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by motor symptoms such as bradykinesia, rigidity, alteration of postural reflexes and tremor at rest and other non-motor symptoms such as changes in sleep patterns and sexual behavior. However, little is known about paraphilic sexual behaviors.
Aim. To summarize the number of cases of zoophilic behaviors in patients with PD between January 2000 and December 2017.
Development. A review was carried out in PubMed, Scopus and Virtual Health Library. Eleven articles were identified by title; six were excluded because they did not present cases related to zoophilic behavior. We found five cases of men, usually with PD of several years of course, taking dopamine agonists and who presented the zoophilic behaviors followed increasing of the dose. The zoophilic behaviors decreased with reducing doses of dopamine agonists and taking atypical antipsychotic such as clozapine or quetiapine.
Conclusions. It is limited the case reports of zoophilic behaviors in patients with PD. The patients reported are men in whom the dose of dopamine agonists was increased. It is important that the clinical follow-up of patients with PD disease includes a careful review of sexual behaviors including those of the paraphilic spectrum.
Key words. Adverse effects. Dopamine agonists. Paraphilic disorders. Parkinson’s disease. Review. Sexual behaviors.