Access to orphan drugs for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy in Spain
*Correspondencia: Dra. Beliu García-Parra. Servicio de Neurología. Carrer de la Feixa Llarga, s/n. E-08907 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona.
Introduction: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a rare disease whose diagnosis and treatment are complex. In Spain, there are two orphan medicines that are currently financed by the state, nusinersen and onasemnogene abeparvovec and, a third in process, risdiplam. The objective was to detect possible causes of inequity in the diagnosis and treatment of SMA in Spain.
Materials and method: Descriptive study realized in two phases: a first phase of bibliographic revision and a second phase of semi-structured interviews with clinical experts in SMA in Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia and Murcia.
Results: The number of centers, services or units of reference, the availability of regional autonomous plans for rare diseases and pilot programs of neonatal screenings can regulate access to treatments. The number of new patients diagnosed per year is estimated between one and six in the four autonomous communities (ACs) of Spain studied. Differences were not found in logistical resources. Two of the four ACs studied have regional autonomous plans for rare diseases, however, their utility has only had relevance in one of two of the ACs.
Conclusions: Important differences in access to nusinersen were not identified in the studied ACs The diagnosis of SMA requires clinical specialized experts and specialized centers for early intervention of disease-modifying therapies.
Resultados El número de centros, servicios o unidades de referencia, la disponibilidad de planes autonómicos para enfermedades raras y los programas piloto de cribado neonatal pueden modular el acceso a los nuevos tratamientos farmacológicos. El número de nuevos pacientes diagnosticados al año se estimó entre uno y seis en cada una de las CC. AA. estudiadas. Dos de las cuatro CC. AA. estaban participando en ensayos clínicos. El tiempo desde la prescripción a la administración de nusinersén estaba entre siete y 60 días. Sólo Cataluña comunicó experiencia con onasemnogén abeparvovec a 30 de junio de 2022. Dos CC. AA. de las cuatro estudiadas disponen de plan autonómico para enfermedades raras; no obstante, se identificó como relevante para el tratamiento de la AME sólo en una de ellas.
Conclusiones No se identificaron diferencias importantes en el acceso al nusinersén en las CC. AA. estudiadas. El diagnóstico de la AME requiere personal clínico experto y centros especializados para iniciar precozmente los tratamientos modificadores de la enfermedad.