Natural history of mucopolysaccharidosis type III in a series of Colombian patients
*Correspondencia: Dra. Lissete Cabarcas. Servicio de Neurología Pediátrica. Instituto Roosevelt. Avenida circunvalar #17-50. Bogotá, Colombia.
Introduction: Mucopolysaccharidosis type III (MPS III), also known as Sanfilippo syndrome, is a lysosomal storage disease with progressive neurodegenerative features, predominantly affecting the central nervous system. Diagnosis is based on clinical features, with neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric alterations taking precedence, including over phenotype alterations. The disease is confirmed by biochemical analysis to identify the type of glycosaminoglycans present, enzyme assay and molecular genetic studies.
Case reports: A clinical description was performed for eight patients diagnosed with MPS III in Colombia. Their initial symptoms were related to developmental delay and behavioural disorders presenting between 3 and 8 years of age, associated in all cases with coarse facial features, thick eyebrows, hepatomegaly and progressive hearing loss. One of the patients presented cardiac anomalies; two presented focal epilepsy; and one presented optic atrophy. They all presented neuroimaging alterations, with evidence of parenchymal volume loss, corpus callosum atrophy and cortical thinning; the diagnosis was performed by biochemical glycosaminoglycan chromatography studies, and all patients have a confirmatory genetic study.
Conclusions: MPS III is a challenge for diagnosis, particularly in its early stages and in patients in which the course of the disease is attenuated. This is due to its variable course, non-specific early neuropsychiatric symptoms, and the absence of obvious somatic features compared to other types of MPS. After a definitive diagnosis has been made, interdisciplinary care must be provided for the patient and their family, and support given for the treatment of physical symptoms, ensuring the best possible care and quality of life for the patient and their family, as the condition is neurodegenerative.
Casos clínicos Se realiza la descripción clínica de ocho pacientes con diagnóstico de MPS III en Colombia, con síntomas iniciales en relación con retraso del desarrollo y trastornos comportamentales evidenciados entre los 3 y 8 años, asociado a facies toscas, cejas pobladas, hepatomegalia y pérdida auditiva progresiva en todos los casos. Uno de los pacientes presentó anomalías cardíacas; dos de ellos, epilepsia focal; y en uno se evidenció atrofia óptica. Todos presentaron alteraciones en las neuroimágenes con evidencia de pérdida del volumen parenquimatoso, atrofia del cuerpo calloso y adelgazamiento cortical; el diagnostico se realizó a través de estudios bioquímicos de cromatografía de glucosaminoglucanos y todos cuentan con un estudio genético confirmatorio.
Conclusiones La MPS III es un desafío diagnóstico, particularmente en pacientes con un curso atenuado de la enfermedad, debido al curso variable, síntomas neuropsiquiátricos tempranos inespecíficos y falta de características somáticas evidentes en comparación con otros tipos de MPS. Cuando se tiene el diagnóstico definitivo, es fundamental brindar atención interdisciplinaria para el paciente y la familia, y apoyar el tratamiento de los síntomas físicos, garantizando ofrecer el mejor cuidado posible y la mejor calidad de vida para el paciente y su familia, al tratarse de una condición neurodegenerativa.