INTRODUCTION Serum concentrations of valproate (VPA) and carbamazepine (CBZ) were monitored in 66 epileptic out patients to determine their pharmacokinetic profiles.
PATIENTS AND METHODS Thirty-eight patients were receiving monotherapy, 17 with CBZ and 28 with VPA, and 28 patients were receiving VPA and CBZ. All were receiving standard (not controlled-release) CBZ or VPA preparations. Blood samples were obtained 2, 4, and 6 hours after the last dose. Serum concentrations were determined by gas chromatography.
RESULTS Mean serum concentrations of patients receiving CBZ were 8.2, 7.3 and 6.4 µg/ml for the 2, 4 and 6 hours samples, respectively. Mean serum concentrations of CBZ in the group receiving CBZ+VAP were 7.8, 8.4 and 7.8 µg/ml, respectively. Patients receiving VPA had mean serum concentrations of 92.8, 97.8 µg/ml, respectively. Those receiving CBZ+VPA had serum concentrations of 69.1, 70.6 and 55.8 µg/ml, respectively. Mean variation in the CBZ serum concentrations was 45% (range 791%) in patients receiving monotherapy and 31% (range 893%) in patients receiving CBZ+VPA. Mean variation in VPA serum levels of the patients receiving CBZ+VPA (56%) was greater than those of patients receiving CPA alone (38%). Subtherapeutic serum levels of either drug were detected in 35% of the patients.
CONCLUSIONS The large interand intraindividual variability of serum concentrations showed that a single measurement does not reflect the reality or CBZ and VPA clinical kinetics. The results confirm that three samples collected at 2, 4, and 6 hours after the last dose determine a clinically useful kinetic profile
KeywordsCarbamazepineClinical pharmacologySerum concentrationsValproate
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