INTRODUCTION The classification of epileptic syndromes defines the prognosis and offers some orientation about treatment in childhood epilepsy. OBJECTIVE. To study the medical therapy according to epileptic syndromes in the everyday practice of a hospital based outpatient neuropediatric clinic. METHODS. Survey of the database using an algorithm to define therapeutic failure, treatment and spontaneous evolution, according to syndrome and drug, of all epileptic patients attended at the clinic during 1966.
RESULTS 465 patients with: monotherapy 38%, politherapy 20%, therapeutic success (follow-up after drug discontinuation) 21%, spontaneous evolution 22% (54% of partial idiopathic epilepsies). Most used antiepileptic drugs (VPA >CBZ >VGB >CLB >PB >PHT >LTG >ESM >PRM >GBT) are those with lowest failure rate and highest percentage of patients on monotherapy. Percentages of monotherapy in treated patients and of previous failure out of total number of patients are: idiopathic partial epilepsies: 85% and 10%; remote symptomatic partial: 58% and 43%; cryptogenic partial: 53% and 50%; idiopathic generalized: 83% and 25%; symptomatic-cryptogenic generalized: 34% and 63%; undetermined: 45% and 43%.
CONCLUSIONS Screening of the database serves as a quality control but the use of an algorithm offers only an approximation to reality. In idiopathic partial epilepsy treatment can be avoided in half of the patients and failure is lowest for VPA and CBZ. In idiopathic generalized epilepsies VPA predominance is almost absolute with a very low failure rate. In all other epileptic syndromes the therapeutic failure rate is about 50% regardless of drug, except for VPA which shows a moderately better outcome
KeywordsAntiepileptic drugsCarbamazepineEpileptic syndromesValproate acidVigabatrinCategoriesEpilepsias y síndromes epilépticos
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