The diagnostic approach to the child with epilepsy and neuropsychological deterioration
Symptomatic epilepsy secondary to hereditary metabolic or degenerative disorders, is usually associated to neurological deterioration. Though epilepsy by itself does not induce neurological deterioration, we should remind that some epileptics encephalopathies, such as the West or Lennox-Gastaut syndromes, do actually induce limited neurological deterioration. Furthermore, in some forms of complex partial epilepsy, motor problems and behavior disorders can be observed, specially in adolescents with temporary lobe epilepsy. Other forms of epilepsy, such as the atypical benign partial epilepsy or the LandauKleffner syndrome, can present a certain degree of cognitive deterioration in the evolution, although they can recover later lost functions, totally or partially. The evolution of some refractory epilepsy, as patients are submitted to a multiple treatments, can make us suspect a degenerative disease. In some cases, the diagnosis of the hereditary metabolic and heredodegeneratives diseases can be made by the characteristics of the seizures but in most cases the diagnosis will be established by the symptoms of the basic disease and the lab data