PATIENTS AND METHODS We studied 25 patients, 16 women and 9 men (average age 64.8 years; SD 8.6; range from 36 to 79 years) admitted to our hospital with clinical findings compatible with obstruction at the level of the bifurcation of the basilar artery. The patients were selected on clinical and neuroradiological criteria. RESULTS and
CONCLUSIONS All patients included in the study had presented with two or more infarcts in the vertebro-basilar territory, related to pathology of the rostral region of the basilar artery. Diagnosis was confirmed on CT and MRI. Infarcts were found in the thalamus, brain-stem, cerebellum and parieto-occipital lobe. Infarct of the thalamus associated with another infarct in a different region was the most frequent lesion. The CT-MRI findings in the 25 cases were: 14 patients had unilateral thalamic infarcts associated with another infarct. There were 4 patients with bilateral thalamic infarcts and 5 with bilateral occipital infarcts. In 11 patients the occipital infarct was associated with another infarct at a different level, and 6 patients each had a cerebellar infarct together with a brain-stem infarct. In 12 patients the lesions were localized to three or more areas. The commonest clinical manifestations were: motor deficit (68%), abnormal eye movements (48%), cerebellar dysfunction (40%), alteration of the level of consciousness (32%), visual field defects (20%), pupil anomalies (16%). The risk factors most frequently associated were: arterial hypertension (64%), a history of cerebrovascular accident (28%), smoking (28%), diabetes mellitus (24%) and atrial fibrillation (20%). Mortality was 8%. Unlike the classical descriptions, motor deficit was the most frequent symptom in our series
KeywordsObstruction at the level of the bifurcation of the basilar arterySyndrome of top of the basilar arteryCategoriesTécnicas exploratorias
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