
Indicators of oxidative stress in rat brain during ageing. The effect of nerve growth factor

K. Rodríguez-Capote, E. Céspedes, R. Arencibia-Jorge, M. González-Hoyuela DOI: https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.27157.98178 OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 27 | Number 157 | Nº of views of the article 8.376 | Nº of PDF downloads 281 | Article publication date 01/09/1998
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
INTRODUCTION and OBJECTIVE. Increased oxidative stress during ageing and the neurodegenerative disorders associated with this has been described. The central nervous system is particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage because of its high energy requirements, high oxygen consumption, high tissue concentration of iron and relatively low levels of some antioxidant systems. Treatment with neurotrophic factors may reverse neurone deterioration and stimulate cholinergic activity in aged rats. It may have a similar neuroprotector effect against damage due to ischaemic reperfusion, hypoglycaemia, inflammation and other pathological conditions involving oxidative stress. In this study we determined some indicators of oxidative stress in rat brains during ageing and evaluated this in response to a plan of treatment with murine nerve growth factor (FCN) for 38 days. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Biochemical techniques were used for determination of oxidative stress indicators. RESULTS and

CONCLUSIONS We found that with age there was a significant increase in phospholipase A2 and superoxide dysmutase activity and concentration of hipoperoxidases, whilst the concentration of reduced glutathion fell. Catalase activity increased in the hippocampal and striate regions and decreased in the cortex and septal area. There was less oxidative stress in rats treated with FCN. In view of our results, we conclude that the level of oxidative stress increases with ageing, with signifcant differences between areas of the brain. The region most vulnerable to damage from species reactive to oxygen was the hippocampus, and the protective effect of FCN may be related to potentiation of antioxidant defenses
KeywordsAgeingAntioxidant enzymesCentral nervous systemNerve growth factorOxidative stress CategoriesNeurogeriatríaNeuropsiquiatría
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