OBJECTIVE. Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) deficiency is characterized by an increase in renal uric acid excretion, usually with hyperuricemia and may be associated with more or less important neurological symptoms. Based on a series of 20 patients from 16 Spanish families we propose that HPRT deficiency could be clinically classified in four different groups. In the more severe form (classic Lesch-Nyhan syndrome) HPRT deficiency is characterized by choreoathetosis, spasticity, mental retardation and compulsive self-mutilation behavior. The pathophysiology of the neurological symptoms remains unclear and there is no effective therapy. This review is intended to provide a research strategy for a better knowledge of the neurological pathophysiology of HPRT deficiency. DEVELOPMENT. We have analyzed the knowledge on the neurological symptoms of HPRT deficiency. This knowledge comes from histopathological studies of the brains from Lesch-Nyhan patients, chemical studies of the cerebrospinal fluid, experimental animal models (pharmacologic and lesioning and genetic approaches), and human in vivo studies with positron-emission tomography.
CONCLUSIONS The observed findings suggest that the neurological symptoms of Lesch-Nyhan syndrome could be related with the neonatal neuronal and/or dopaminergic terminations damage. This damage could be due to lost or reorganization of dopaminergic system, and is associated with a reduced dopamine levels and with hypersensitivity of the D1 subclass dopamine receptors
KeywordsDopamineHypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferaseReview
FULL TEXT(solo disponible en lengua castellana / Only available in Spanish)
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