INTRODUCTION Atherosclerosis affects the vascular system in a diffuse way and its is clearly implicated in some of the most prevalent diseases in western countries such as cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases. Knowing more about the underlying pathogenic mechanisms may contribute to a better understanding of this entities and the development of therapies for both its treatment and prevention. DEVELOPMENT. We review herein the concepts included in the term atherosclerosis, the growth of the atheromatous plaque and its complications and the cellular mechanisms which intervene in its development. We analyze how it influences brain hemodynamics and its implication in cerebrovascular ischemic disease paying attention to the dissimilarities with other vascular territories and the clinical syndromes which derive from its development on different vascular structures.
CONCLUSIONS Under the concept of ischemic cerebrovascular disease we can find a group of heterogeneous clinical syndromes, usually associated to different etiopathogenic mechanisms: cardioembolic, atherothrombotic or hemodynamic. Although their risk factors may be common, these processes are clearly different form each other. Therefore including ischemic brain infarctions all together without attending to their etiology may produce important methodological biases when interpreting the results in clinical trials or other studies, and may also be a suitable explanation for differences between authors
KeywordsAtherosclerosisCerebrovascular diseaseClinical trialsPathogenesisReviewCategoriesPatología vascular
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