INTRODUCTION The moral-ethical problem of the use of human embryos as a source of cells for neurotransplants involves serious conflicts as to which tissues to use, from which source, what method should be used to obtain them and also the search for alternative sources of tissues. DEVELOPMENT. In this paper we present a brief summary of ethical and medical points involved in the obtention, protection of the donor, preparation, safety and efficacy of human foetal nervous tissue in the context of neural transplants. The ethics of human foetal nervous tissue are very complex in that they represent a dilemma involving several points of medical ethics, which are themselves very controversial, including abortion, transplants and incorporation in the cerebral function of an individual. From a bioethical point of view, we consider aspects such as the establishment of an optimal source for obtention of nervous tissue for transplants, the safety and efficacy of this, informed consent for donation of tissue, availability and storage among other aspects.
CONCLUSIONS All programmes that envisage the use of foetal tissue for the purpose of transplants should strictly and truly conform to local and national ethical regulations before starting clinical trials
KeywordsEmbryos/foetalEthicsNervous tissueTransplants
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