Although the neurological intensive care, seem have originated at the ends of 40s, during the epidemy of acute poliomyelitis that flogged Europe, it must be indicated that the growth and expansion of this subspecialty, has been a remarkable fact only in the course of the two last decades. Despite the fact that the neurological intensive care units (Neuro-ICU) are expensive; multiple have been the benefits derived from their creation; so much for patients, hospitals, as well for medical teaching. This is the current panorama of these units, mainly in developed countries, however, unfortunately this is not the situation in others, especially the underdeveloped ones. Many of the dilemmas that today confronts neurology in our countries are due to the nonexistence of these units. Undoubtedly, the neurocritical patient RESULTS more benefitted, when receives attention from the neurointensivists; thus the medical care that it receives becomes defragmented. The creation of the Neuro-ICU in our countries should not be made in a generalized way, but strategically, in addition, would be very convenient the incorporation of neurointensivists in the polyvalent intensive care units or intermediate care units. For the future, it will have to keep in mind the fact, that certain novel procedures that today emerge for the management of certain neurocritical conditions, will have to be assimilated by neurointensivists, since they will be the personnel disposed to implement them in any moment, and what is more important, it is the competent personnel prepared to treat any complication that emerge upon applying these
KeywordsIntensive neurologyNeurocritical patientNeurological intensive care unitsUnderdeveloped countries
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