INTRODUCTION The paroxystical disorders and episodic symptoms not epileptics related to the sleep, constitute a great preoccupation motive for the parents as well as for all the professionals related to the Pediatrics, and defer in a way substantial of those which are gone to find in subsequent ages of the life. DEVELOPMENT. A great number of they are bound to the development and have their maximum or exclusive incidence in the infantile age; and those which also occur in the adult age, have some special connotations in the infancy, with a thoroughly different therapeutic boarding to that of other ages therefore it is necessary an exhaustive knowledge of the same for their correct identification, by having a high incidence, and especially by the frequent mistakes that generate, since frequently they can carry to diagnostic of epilepsy those processes that it be not, with the social connotations that this implies, the countless complementary exams accomplishment and the possibility of certain drugs administration potentially toxic.
CONCLUSIONS It is discussed the need of a classification of the disorders of the sleep in the child and is accomplished a detailed description of the same emphasizing the important differential characteristics with other processes, taking into account to of the problems of the sleep that interests to consider in the pediatric age, the most important are found between those incidents associated with the stages of the sleep or the awake partial, recognized as parasomnias. Specific disorders are discussed
KeywordsChildParoxystical disorders not epilepticsSleepCategoriesNeuropediatríaNeuropsiquiatríaSueño
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