The role of units for diagnosis and evaluation of cognitive disorders and behavioural disorders in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Analysis of 962 consecutive cases seen 1996­1997 in the Fundación ACE

M. Boada-Rovira DOI: OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 27 | Number S1 | Nº of views of the article 5.954 | Nº of PDF downloads 459 | Article publication date 01/12/1998
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
OBJECTIVES. The objective of this study was to identify the most relevant clinico-epidemiological, demographic, social, neuropsychological and neurological data seen in this Special Unit for Diagnosis and Evaluation of Cognitive Disorders and dementias during the period 1996-1997, and to evaluate the efficacy of this type of unit within the health system. This is a specific resource in the social-health programme ‘Vida als Anys’ of the Health Department of the Generalitat of Catalunya, with the objective of a multidisciplinary approach and continued treatment for this type of disorder which requires integral, global intervention integrated in the system, since it is of major social importance.

PATIENTS AND METHODS This unit for diagnosis, in the Barcelone Health Region, deals with an area with approximately 285,481 inhabitants over the age of 65. In a longitudinal study of this population, we considered 962 persons, seen consecutively during this period, of an average age of 80 years and with a marked predominance of women. With regard to diagnosis, 54% of the patients had symptoms compatible with dementia; Alzheimer’s disease was the most frequent diagnosis, followed by vascular and mixed dementias. During this period, 6,431 medical interventions were carried out, of which 3,805 were to reach the overall diagnosis, 1,023 to give medical information to the patient’s relatives and 1,603 were follow-up visits. This unit handled a total of 322 social-health interventions.

CONCLUSIONS We consider that this specific resource, highly qualified, with professional means of diagnosis and administration, can offer the public health system integral attention to the patient and continued planning of treatment, being recognized as a service for referral from Primary and Specialized Care
KeywordsClinical­epidemiological longitudinal studyDementiaDiagnosis, evaluation and case management functional unitPublic health organization modelSpecific resource CategoriesDemenciaNeurodegeneraciónNeurología del Lenguaje y la ComunicaciónNeuropsicologíaNeuropsiquiatría
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