INTRODUCTION Optic neuritis is rare in childhood. Frequently (35-52% of all cases depending on the series) they have, during their clinical course, foci of demyelination leading to the clinical picture of multiple sclerosis (MS). Since 1993, the optic neuritis study group has recommended treatment with high doses of corticosteroids, since this seemed to stop progression, improve long-term results and delay the appearance of MS. The course of our patient was better than we expected. CLINICAL CASE. A 10 year old prepubertal girl complained of progressive loss of vision and slight pain in the right eye for 26 days before admission to hospital. On examination there was obvious papillitis of the right ocular fundus with total loss of the pupillary light reflex, together with consensual hyporeflexia of the left eye. Study of the visual evoked potentials (VEP) showed that there was marked delay of the P-100 wave, and a lower amplitude in the right eye. Magnetic resonance imaging did not show any demyelinated focus. Serological testing for neurotropic viruses was negative.
CONCLUSIONS After the initial phase of intravenous treatment (third day) there was subjective recovery of vision and the pupillary light reflex returned. VEP studies showed marked recovery. Thirty days after treatment was started there was almost complete subjective and VEP recovery. This rapid progress, as compared to that of other paediatric cases published, suggests a mechanism involving decompression of the optic nerve
KeywordsChildhoodCorticosteroidsMultiple sclerosisOptic neuritisCategoriesEsclerosis múltipleNeuropediatríaNeuropsiquiatría
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