INTRODUCTION Cysticercosis remain an important health problem in developing countries. Its transmission is related to soil contamination with human feces. This parasitosis is found in Africa, Asia and Latin America, where the greatest incidences are seen in Mexico and Brazil. DEVELOPMENT. Human cysticercosis is acquired from the ingestion of ova of Taenia solium, excreted by human carriers in their feces, followed by the development of cyst in human tissue. The risk of contamination with Taenia ova is related to the contact with Taenia solium carriers. Recently, it has been shown that, in humans, the most common route of infection is ingestion of Taenia solium eggs from contaminated food or water. In United Sates of America and Europe, the frequency of cysticercosis is increasing due to increasing immigration and more frequent travels to endemic regions. The infected individual becomes a carrier and source of infection by oral-fecal contamination.
CONCLUSIONS Prevention is the single most important factor in reducing the frequency of cysticercosis. The transmission cycle of cysticercosis could be interrupted by improving sanitary conditions, and eliminating human cysticercosis. The treatment of Taenia carriers could be effective in prevention of cysticercosis, by reducing the excretion of its eggs and, so, reducing the risk of infection. At long date, education –washing hands before eating and after using bathroom, drinking boiled water– and improvements in sanitation, health care and socio-economic status are essential in prevention of human cysticercosis
KeywordsEpidemiologyNeurocysticercosisPreventionCategoriesCalidad, Gestión y Organización Asistencial
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