
Treatment and prevention of cerebral hemorrhages in newborn babies

F. Mulas, P. Smeyers-Durá, R. Gandía-Benetó, I. Güemes DOI: OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 29 | Number 03 | Nº of views of the article 11.412 | Nº of PDF downloads 498 | Article publication date 01/08/1999
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
INTRODUCTION The risk factors leading to the occurrence of intracranial hemorrhages in premature newborn babies are well known. However, in full-term babies this has not been so systematically studied. Although the incidence is lower it is not rare and they are more varied in the form of presentation than in premature babies. Thus, as well as the classical intraperiventricular hemorrhages, subarachnoid and intraparenchymatous hemorrhages also occur relatively often, particularly the subarachnoid kind. The aetiopathogenesis of the hemorrhages is different, so preventive measures are also different, based particularly on avoidance of perinatal asphyxia and traumatic manoevres during labour. DEVELOPMENT. A study by our Department, in which risk factors associated with 17 newborn babies of over 35 weeks gestation who had a history of intracranial hemorrhage in the early neonatal period showed that over half the cases (58%) had a history of acute foetal distress. A quarter had congenital cardiopathy (detected at birth) and the same number had a respiratory distress syndrome due to various causes, particularly pneumothorax and infections. Regarding treatment of the acute phase, it is essential to maintain cerebral perfusion and monitor both arterial hypertension and hypotension, control the intracranial pressure (avoiding increases) and avoid fluctuations of cerebral blood flow. CONCLUSION. Follow-up by means of serial echographs makes early detection of dilatation and hydrocephaly possible and permits suitable suitable treatment rapidly and with immediate monitoring of its efficacy KeywordsFull-term infantHydrocephalusIntraventricular hemorrhageNewbornPrevention CategoriesPatología vascular
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