Objective. To present a historical review of the main Institutions of Neurological Sciences which have existed from the mid XIX century to the present day. Development. We remember the founders and collaborators of these Institutions who with dedication contributed to the maintenance of their prestige and the advance of the neurosciences. These names are no doubt well known to those of us who have worked in any of the branches of the neurosciences. Unfortunately, some of the Institutions described no longer exist. Others, although somewhat overlooked continue their scientific work while some still maintain the prestige which was always theirs. The description follows the chronological order of their foundation. We have given a more extensive description of those which we consider of greater importance due to their contribution to advances in the neurosciences, and which we have had the opportunity to visit and study their function and organization at first hand. We state the site of an institution of a given neurological speciality, independently of whether or not it forms part of a general hospital complex, but maintaining its own autonomy under the direction of a neuroscientist, contributing to establish closer collaboration with neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuropathologists etc., which undoubtedly helps to raise the level of teaching and investigation in the neurosciences.
KeywordsClassical neurological literatureHistory of neurological institutionsNeuroscientists of the XIX and XX centuries
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