INTRODUCTION Early stimulation is known to be useful, necessary treatment aimed at developing as much as possible the social psychophysical potential of any child at high environmental and/or biological risk. This group includes children with cerebral palsy, a disorder of the nervous system which may cause retardation in the processes of maturation of the central nervous system and be expressed from the earliest months of the child’s life as retardation of psychomotor development. OBJECTIVE. To show the efficiency of early stimulation in children diagnosed as having cerebral palsy and retardation of psychomotor development.
PATIENTS AND METHODS A retrospective study was made of 20 children aged between 9 and 41 months with this diagnosis, in the hospital of CIREN (Cuba). They were treated for a period of 1 to 3 months by a multi-disciplinary team and participated in the programme for Early Stimulation. Assessment was made by the Neuropsychology Department at the start and end of the treatment period, using the first part of the Brunet-Lezine scale for the measurement of psychomotor development in early childhood.
RESULTS In all patients there was a favorable course and new abilities were acquired. There was better performance than before the treatment was started and accelerated rate of development during the period of treatment. CONCLUSION. Patients with cerebral palsy and psychomotor retardation benefit from application of a programme of Early Stimulation.
KeywordsBrunet-Lezine ScaleCerebral palsyEarly stimulationPsychomotor development
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