INTRODUCTION Since 1986, the Government of Navarra has taken over the functions of security and health as part of the health ‘area’, with a broad conception of health, avoiding separating the citizen from the worker. In 1993, the Instituto Navarro de Salud Laboral created, under the direction of the departments of Health and Labor, combined diverse functions and resources, integrating preexisting structures into a technical department to be responsible for the overall health care of workers. DEVELOPMENT. The structure is based on two coordinated pillars, security and hygiene at work and occupational health. As more specifically to do with health, we describe the systems of epidemiological information and vigilance and programs for occupational disabilities, health activities in industry and investigation of diseases. The Unidades de Salud Laboral link the workplace with the public health service. The occupational health plan of Navarra will set out future strategies.
CONCLUSIONS It is necessary to involve neurologists in occupational health. Occupational risks and injury are everyone’s problem. The neurologist’s role in accidents is usually of health care; detection of illness is more difficult when an occupational relationship is not considered. Data from work should be included in the clinical history. The official figures for occupational neurological diseases are ridiculous and more cases should be detected. There should be a fluid relationship between neurologists, occupational doctors and experts in prevention.
KeywordsHealth administrationHealth and safety at workHealth PlanNational Health ServiceNeurology of WorkOccupational health
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