OBJECTIVES. The aim of the study was the short term test-retest-reliability of electrophyisiological correlates of simple processes of the motor control, i.e. the execution (go) and the inhibition (no go) of a prepared motor response, evoked during the Continuous Performance Test (CPT). Our interest was centered in the reliability of the topographical P300-parameters described in previous studies, i.e. the localizations of the go and no go centroids and the no go anteriorization (NGA), which is the difference between the two centroid locations. A sufficient reliability is a basic requirement for the application of these new topographical parameters for the investigation of different psychiatric illnesses with suspected dysfunctions of prefrontal motor control, e.g. schizophrenias and affective illnesses, obsessive-compulsive disorders, personality disorders with deficits in impulse control, and in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
PATIENTS AND METHODS We examined 23 healthy subjects who executed two versions of the CPT with an interval of 30 minutes. After averaging the obtained evoked potentials of each subject, we determined the latencies, amplitudes and positive centroids, at the moment of the peak of the Global Field Power in a P300 time window.
RESULTS Statistical analysis revealed sufficient test-retest-reliabilities in comparison to other electrophysiological paradigms, mainly for the localizations of the go (r= 0.93; p= 10-10) and no go centroid (r= 0,85; p= 10-4), as well as for the no go anteriorization (r= 0,63; p= 10-3). CONCLUSION. These results are a prerequisite for the application of these topographical parameters as measures of the prefrontal motor control in different healthy and psychiatric populations.
KeywordsMotor controlNo go anteriorizationPrefrontal cortex
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