Objectives. To obtain better understanding of the neurophysiology of sleep and of depression, together with any relationship there might be between them. Development. We review the mechanisms of action of the neurotransmitters involved in the sleep-waking cycle, and also the antidepressive drugs, concentrating on those with more selective mechanisms of action, and the selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. Conclusions. It is well know that the disorders associated with sleep play a predominant part in the symptoms of depressed patients, and these may revert with antidepressant treatment. Antidepressants cause, often markedly, changes in the characteristics of sleep at the same time as they improve the depressive symptoms. Thus, knowing the basis of the mode of action of antidepressive drugs, not only does the understanding of the neurophysiology of sleep progress, but also the understanding of sleep.
KeywordsAntidepressive drugsDepressionNeurotransmittersSleepCategoriesNeuropsiquiatríaSueño
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