Introduction. The task of neuropsychology should be based on confirmation of the suspected deterioration, definition of the degree of deterioration and differentiation between focal and diffuse lesions, and should also apply to the results obtained in different evolutionary assessments. In subjects with particular characteristics –such as is the case of persons with motor and/or sensory deficits– neuropsychological evaluation should take into account the possible defects and be adapted more closely to each individual patient. In spite of the rigorous methodology necessary in all evaluations, the application of protocols should be adapted to each case. The examination of the patient should be varied according to what is required and the particular condition of each patient. We must consider that some aspects of neuropsychological evaluation are specifically related to the neurological function –muscle, tone, reflexes, sensitivity, perception, etc.– which may be affected. Residual disability often includes motor difficulties and problems of perception which should be considered. Development. In this paper we show the need for the relevant selection of tests and careful interpretation of the results in persons with sensory and/or motor defects, and we describe some tests which are useful for the neuropsychological evaluation of general functions in patients with visual and auditory functions respectively. Conclusions. It is necessary to know exactly which dysfunction is involved and whether the person is conscious of the deficit. Evaluation should also cover cognitive, social and affective-emotional aspects. It is necessary to work on creating specific tests for particular populations.
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