Introduction. Although obsessive-compulsive symptoms are uncommon among patients with neurological diseases, structural neuroimaging (CAT or MRI) disclose focal brain lesions in some patients. However, little is know about the clinical phenomenology of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and the cognitive deficits that occur in neurological conditions. Objective. To review the cognitive functioning of patients who develop an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in association with focal brain lesions. Development. In the present study, the author review recent studies which suggest that OCD associated with brain lesions is relatively similar to idiopathic or ‘functional’ OCD (i.e., OCD unassociated with gross brain damage). Idiopathic and acquired forms of OCD are clinically heterogeneous. The content of obsessions and compulsions in acquired OCD depends, at least in part, of the causative lesion, whereas the pattern of cognitive deficits is more homogeneous affecting attention, general intelligence, verbal and visuospatial memory, and executive function. Conclusion. It is suggested that the study of different subgroups of patients with acquired OCD would detect differences in the phenomenology of obsessions and compulsions as well as in the pattern of cognitive deficits. Moreover, this approach can improve our understanding about the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying idiopathic OCD.
KeywordsNeuroimagingNeuropsychologyObsessive-compulsive disorderCategoriesDemenciaNeurodegeneraciónNeuroimagenNeurología del Lenguaje y la ComunicaciónNeuropediatríaNeuropsicologíaNeuropsiquiatríaTécnicas exploratorias
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