Introduction. Brain damaged patients have cognitive deficits, behaviour disorders and personality changes which affect socio-familial behaviour. Frequently, these changes generate considerable disturbance between family members and make it very difficult to return to work. Objective. We describe a pilot study which led to the development and application of a focal rehabilitation programme aimed at retraining this group in social skills. Patients and methods. The programme was intensive (3 months) and included 6 outpatients (5 men and 1 woman) who took part in programmes of neuropsychological rehabilitation after traumatic or vascular cerebral lesions (X= 19.2 months after the lesion occurred). The average age of the patients was 27.2 years and their average IQ 109.2. Individual and group interventions were combined (role-playing, ‘make-believe’ work, video filming) emphasizing particularly the processes of learning without making mistakes and the extension of achievements to the natural setting (controlled trials). Results and conclusions. We state and describe the relationship between the nature of neuropsychological and psychopathological deficits, and the characteristics of the limitations in social behaviour. The patients showed a significant reduction in the level of anxiety and aggressive behaviour and improvement in consciousness of their defects. Some improvement was seen in expressing opinions and emotions, and in ability to adapt social conduct to different situations (flexible behaviour). Finally we describe the conclusions drawn as to this treatment for future review and improvement of the programme.
KeywordsBrain damageNeuropsychological rehabilitationNeuropsychologySocial skillsCategoriesDemenciaNeurodegeneraciónNeurología del Lenguaje y la ComunicaciónNeuropediatríaNeuropsicologíaNeuropsiquiatría
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