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Publish your manuscript

Before filling in the following form and submitting your manuscript to Revista de Neurología, it is essential that you consult the section Publication basics and make sure that you have all the required files indicated in the guidelines.

Files required:

  • Letter of introduction addressed to the Scientific Editor.
  • Manuscript in Word format.
  • Figures, images or videos related to the article in separate files from the manuscript.
  • Permission to reproduce (if required).

Optional files (only originals and brief originals, reviews, clinical notes and neuroimaging):

  • Multiple choice questions (10 with 5 possible answers each). See the premises.
  • Video abstract (self-recorded with a duration of 3-4 minutes). See the premises.

Social media details are requested so that the publications in which you participate can be featured in these media.:

Please indicate whether you are submitting a new manuscript or a new version of a previously submitted article::

New article New version of a previously article

¿Hace referencia el artículo a algún principio activo?:

Yes No

If you would like to suggest possible reviewers for your article, please enter their details below:

Reviewer 1

Add reviewer

In the following section, you can upload your article together with the different files that accompany it.

Letter of introduction (Obligatorio) Manuscript (Obligatorio) The manuscript is a single Word file. Figures, images or videos related to the article The figures and tables must be submitted in separate files and in an format that allows them to be edited.
Cesión de derechos de autor (Obligatorio) Descárguese y firme el documento de cesión de derechos de autor Permission to reproduce (if required) Multiple-choice questions (optional) The author can provide 10 multiple-choice questions with five possible answers, only one of which will be correct, that will become part of the Continuing Medical Education of the journal. Video abstract (optional) Video abstract (self-recorded with a duration of 3-4 minutes) highlighting the main points of the article. Others (optional)
I have read and accept the privacy policy and the legal disclaimer.
I consent to Viguera Editores and the companies to which it belongs sending me information about their services and products related to medical information and training.
I hereby declare that the manuscript has not previously been published and is not under review for publication elsewhere, that it meets the standards of ethical and legal responsibilities, and that it has been adapted to the standards of publication set out in the Publication basics of Revista de Neurología.
Assignment of copyright. I hereby confirm that all the authors agree to transfer all exploitation rights (reproduction, distribution and public communication) of the work to Viguera Editores.

You are about to submit your manuscript. Once submitted, within 24-48 working hours you will receive an email acknowledging receipt and the reference number of the manuscript, which you can use to track its status.

If you have any queries, require clarification on any point or do not receive the email acknowledging receipt, please contact us at

* Como autor de correspondencia, si su manuscrito resulta aceptado, usted se compromete a colaborar con Revista de Neurología y VIGUERA EDITORES, S.L.U. para obtener las ratificaciones del resto de autores del manuscrito y para cualesquiera otras labores relacionadas con la edición del texto.

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Sin embargo, los usuarios, lectores y terceros que accedan a la web o plataformas de Revista de Neurología (o VIGUERA EDITORES, S.L.U., o los terceros a los que éstos cedan los contenidos) no podrán remezclarlo, adaptarlo o modificarlo (en todo o en parte), ni construir o basar su obra a partir de su trabajo original. Tampoco podrán comercializarlo a terceros ni obtener rendimiento económico alguno a partir de su trabajo original.

Una vez aceptado el manuscrito, Revista de Neurología y VIGUERA EDITORES, S.L.U. podrán distribuir, comercializar, publicar, editar, en todo o en parte, su artículo, pudiendo obtener por ello contraprestaciones onerosas.

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