OBJECTIVES. The purpose of this study is to review the different studies published in the literature concerning the different physiological mechanisms involved in the genesis of painful neuropathy, as well as the diagnostic options and the different pharmacological treatments currently available. DEVELOPMENT. Distinct pathologies usually condition painful neuropathy, one of the main ones being diabetes mellitus. The triggering phenomenon is often some kind of damage to the tissues that contain nervous pain receptors, which later gives rise to a release of proinflammatory molecules, and triggers a cascade of phenomena that result in disorders in the central and peripheral nervous system (peripheral and central sensitisation). These disorders usually produce clinical manifestations, such as allodynia, paresthesias, among others, and these are sometimes the sole manifestation of painful neuropathy. Diagnosis of this syndrome is at times complicated due to the involvement of thin fibres, which cannot be identified by the conventional methods used in neurophysiological studies. There is also a broad range of pharmaceuticals used in the treatment of painful neuropathy that range from tricyclic antidepressants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opioid analgesics, antiarrhythmics and even agents for topical use.
CONCLUSIONS Diagnosis of thin fibre neuropathy is usually performed by carrying out a Quantitative Sudomotor Axon Reflex Test, quantitative sensory tests and a skin biopsy. As regards the pharmacological treatment, the new generation of anticonvulsive drugs like gabapentin seems to have advantages over the traditional pharmaceuticals, although their widespread use is still largely restricted by their cost.
KeywordsAllodyniaFibresNerveNeuropathyPainTreatmentCategoriesDolorNervios periféricos, unión neuromuscular y músculo
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