Historia y Humanidades

Vestibular nerves and nuclei throughout history

J.E. Duque-Parra [REV NEUROL 2004;38:984-988] PMID: 15175983 DOI: https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.3810.2003619 OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 38 | Number 10 | Nº of views of the article 10.997 | Nº of PDF downloads 1.460 | Article publication date 16/05/2004
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
Throughout the evolution of the concepts concerning the peripheral nerves, different ideas have dominated at different moments in history. The studies and demonstrations conducted in an attempt to further our knowledge of our own constitution and working at the same time enabled us to gain a better understanding of the make-up and specific functioning of the vestibular nerves, together with their central connecting elements in the brainstem: the vestibular nuclei. It may be that the first references to vestibular nerves are now lost in time, yet the Ancient Greeks already attempted to understand their functional nature by carrying out studies essentially focused on neuroanatomical aspects, but heavily influenced by philosophical concepts. It was not until the 18th century that researchers came to understand that there were differences between the vestibular nerve and the cochlear nerve -until then they were believed to be one single nerve. Another century went by before attempts were made to clarify the role it plays in balance and not in hearing. The differences between the distinct vestibular nuclei situated between the medulla oblongata and the pons were established in the 19th and 20th centuries when a number of authors, backed by previous microscopic studies, contributed to clarifying the fuzzy limits of cells separating the four classic nuclear groups and four others taken as being accessory. KeywordsHistoryNervesNeuromorphologyNeurophysiologyNucleiVestibular CategoriesNeurofisiología
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