INTRODUCTION Paroxysmal hemicrania is a well-defined clinical condition about which many articles have been published. Attempts have been made to explain the response of this illness to indomethacin, suggesting its possible cervical origin. In some patients it is set off by stimulation of certain trigger zones situated in this region. The exceptional radiation of the pain seen in our patient clearly supports this theory. CLINICAL CASE. A 34 year old man with a past history of a similar but briefer episode 5 years previously presented to us. He complained of repeated episodes of stabbing pain with no obvious cause. The pain started at the base of the neck and radiated along the right carotid vessels to the cheek, base of the nose and ipsilateral eye. This was accompanied by injection of the conjunctivae, tears, nasal congestion and nasal discharge. Each episode lasted 15 to 30 minutes and was repeated 20 to 25 times a day without any particular relation to the time of day. The neurological examination, MR and angio-MR were normal. Before being seen by us he had been treated with prednisone and verpamil without effect. Indomethacin at a dose of 100 mg/day controlled the problem completely.
CONCLUSIONS We report a case of paroxysmal hemicrania with a spontaneous description of pain starting at the base of the neck and radiating along the carotid vessels. We consider this clinical description to be of interest since it supports the theories of a cervicogenic origin of this type of headache
KeywordsCarotidyniaParoxysmal hemicrania
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