INTRODUCTION We analyze current problems with clinical trials in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) by reviewing the literature of the past five years. We briefly mention the guidelines of the drug evaluation agencies, scientific institutions and industry. We comment on the difficulties in the evaluation of clinical trials in patients with AD regarding cognitive, functional, behavioral and overall aspects together with the quality of life of both patient and carer, and finally the increasing importance of cost-benefit assessment of drugs for AD.
PATIENTS AND METHODS The design and carrying out of clinical trials vary considerably depending on the drug involved. It is relatively simple with drugs causing marked symptomatic improvement in patients with AD, but complex and costly (many patients and a long follow-up) when dealing with neuroprotector effects. This is much more difficult (no double blind trial has yet been done) to try to assess a possible effect of prevention of AD.
CONCLUSIONS We consider methodological aspects of clinical trials such as current difficulties in the use of placebos. It is concluded that in spite of little progress in the pharmacological treatment of AD, this will probably improve with use of current methodology and considering the importance of this disorder. It is to be expected that clinical trials will be carried out to prevent the disorder in patients with a biological risk of AD
KeywordsAlzheimer’s diseaseClinicial trialsTreatmentCategoriesDemenciaNeurodegeneraciónNeuropsiquiatríaPatología vascular
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